“Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He will send forth laborers unto His harvest…”*

*Matthew 9:38 India has the largest least-reached people groups, totaling about *1.4 billion souls* . Their primary religion is Hinduism. Next is Pakistan with *241.6million* individuals yet to be reached with the Gospel. They are majorly Muslim. Thirdly, *140.4 million… Read more“Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He will send forth laborers unto His harvest…”*

Myanmar: A story of Media, House Movements and the Word of God

(This story was recently posted bye Create International) -Amid conflict and turmoil, a powerful movement of God is sweeping through Myanmar, reaching thousands with His love and hope. Despite the hardships of war, God’s Spirit is at work, and more… Read moreMyanmar: A story of Media, House Movements and the Word of God

Central Asia: Muslim Traditions, But, Today, A Growing Christian Population!

Missionaries from various agencies are working in the nations of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgystan, and Turkmenistan, but in general, they don’t advertise that they are in country doing ministry for fear of being escorted to the airport for the first… Read moreCentral Asia: Muslim Traditions, But, Today, A Growing Christian Population!