Earthquakes: How Can We Give & Pray?

The tragedy in both Turkey and Syria from the recent earthquakes and after shocks is simply unimaginable.  The government of Turkey estimated that the death toll would be 10,000 souls within the first few hours after the quakes hit, and, as of this writing (Wednesday morning, 2/8), the Washington Post says the death toll has topped 11,000. To make matters worse, bitter cold weather is hampering the relief efforts of  the many nations that have sent in rescue workers.  International health organizations warn that there will be many long-term health effects on the people of Turkey and Syria.

Many organizations are available through which you can give financially.  One such group, The Crescent Project, is a Christian organization dedicated to bringing the hope of Christ to the Muslim World. Here is a link they have set up  to give towards financial relief in Turkey:

And here are their suggested prayer points for this tragedy…

1. Pray for those who have lost loved ones– moms, dads, children, parents, friends. 

2. Pray for those still trapped and awaiting help! It is currently 37 degrees Fahrenheit right now, making the rescue efforts very difficult and risk of exposure high. 

3. Pray for those digging with their hands, shovels and the few machines they have.

4. Pray that God can bring people together -Muslims and Christians- to see one another as “people” and not enemies.