Ramadan Begins Today. Let’s Pray!

(Courtesy of www.worldprayerguides.org)  From today, April 2, until May 1, Christians around the world will be uniting in prayer for Muslims as they celebrate Ramadan.  Over the past 30 years, Christians have been using “30 Days of Prayer For the Muslim World”, and dramatic things have been happening!  Since the end of the 20th century, movements to Christ from Islam started being noted and recorded in Algeria, Soviet Central Asia, Bangladesh, Iran and elsewhere.  In the first 14 years of the 21st century more movements erupted across the Muslim world than had been seen in the previous 12 centuries combined! God IS most definitely doing great things!   You can read more about these movements in the book, “A Wind In the House of Islam” by David Garrison.  Please pray for Muslims during Ramadan! Pray for more dreams and visions of “the man in white” who appears to so many….pray for Muslim Background Believers (MBBs) as they live out their faith to be good witnesses of Christ’s love…and pray for protection of those Muslims to do accept Jesus Christ (Isa Al-Masih) from persecution by family, friends, and the community.