The Tragedy For Uyghers in China

(From China has created a large system of arbitrary detention and enforce disappearance. Approximately one million Uyghurs are currently imprisoned in detention centers, for reasons as simple as practicing their religion, having international contacts or communications, or attending a western university.

Less than 2% of China’s Uyghurs are Christian. (Editors note: Uighurs can either be spelled with an “h” or an “i”.)

Having a religious book in your home, gathering with others to worship, or simply having relatives abroad… these are all freedoms we take for granted and yet in Xinjiang, these are all considered reasons to place you in a ‘re-education camp’. The Chinese government claims that the camps are vocational training centers and that they are combating extremism. In reality, this is a human rights crisis. Uyghur families are torn apart, as parents are sent to the camps and children are taken away to state orphanages. One Uyghur worker reported children as young as six months ‘locked up like farm animals in a shed.’

Once inside the camps, they can be held there indefinitely. One man hasn’t seen or heard from his wife and children for almost four years. Originally from Xinjiang, he and his family were living in Istanbul when, in August 2016, his wife Peride took their two very young children to Xinjiang to visit family. In January 2019, a video appeared online of his four-year-old son in what appeared to be a state-run Chinese orphanage. His children would not know him if he saw them today: He says he has ‘lost everything’.

The Chinese government prevents parents from passing on their faith to their children. Christian children are often forbidden from attending church, while Uyghur children sent to state-run facilities are cut off from their language, culture and religion. The Chinese authorities also use education as a tool to pressure people to stop standing up for human rights. Six-year-old Quanquan, son of imprisoned human rights lawyer Wang Quanzhang, was stopped from going to school as a way to put pressure on his dad. And all over China, teachers are under pressure not to attend church, while schools carefully keep tabs on the religious beliefs of students and staff.  

You can read the full article here:

While we do not have a video of this people group in China, we do have one of them in Central Asia, and you can view it here: