“When I finished praying …I felt joy”

(From worldprayerguides.org). Hamit was born into an Albanian Muslim family. He thought that by fasting and doing good dees he could find salvation, but these were things he practiced only out of obligation to his parents. He felt nothing in his heart but instead wondered, “Why are we here in this world and what is the purpose of life?”

One day when he was 17 years old, he left school hungry and went to buy himself a sandwich. It was wrapped in paper which he looked at curiously…it was a page from the Bible. The man who sold the sandwich was an old Communist who invited him to his house for a coffee. Hamit went to his home, and the man started to speak against the faith. When Hamit asked to use the toilet, he found that instead of toilet paper the man had placed the Bible. The boy felt scared to use the Bible and hid it under his clothes, so the man wouldn’t notice.

When Hamit began to read the Bible, he began to understand that God loves him. John 3:16 became his favorite verse. He decided to believe this love and take it into his heart. He began to search for other people who could believe the same as the Bible teaches. He found a church where the pastor there led him in a prayer. Hamit says, “As soon as I finished praying, I felt that a heavy stone had moved from my heart and I felt joy.”

Please pray: That Albanians who have come to faith since the fall of Communism would become grounded in the Word. That the many Muslim missionaries who are in Albania from other countries would actually fall in love with Jesus instead. And, for unity between churches and believers so that they would be known for their love.

We’ve posted “The Albanian” video from thewaitingworld.net to help you pray specifically for these people. Just click the link below:
