A Heart’s Cry From Ukraine

(This prayer came from a mission worker in Ukraine and was posted by the Youth With A Mission (YWAM) Slavic Ministries Team.  YWAM is helping with educating the children, rebuilding homes, distributing relief supplies, and helping care for hurting souls.)

Rise up; come to our help! Redeem us for the sake of your steadfast love !Psalm 44:26 I was looking through the pictures I took today on my phone. One seemed especially cute – my students brought their plushies to school but set them aside on a beanbag not to be distracted. This picture spoke to me about a sweet childhood the war could not destroy.While waiting for the elevator downstairs, I decided to check the news on my way home.

The first report was about the bombing of Kharkiv with guided aerial bombs. They hit several city districts. There were casualties. I could not concentrate on the details and could not move on to the next news report because of the picture that illustrated the first entry.The picture of the apartment building in Kharkiv that was hit. They said it was hit two years ago, and they almost finished restoring it before this strike. There was also a picture of a happy teddy bear lying in the rubble. It struck me because of the great contrast to the photo I had taken of my students plushies sitting on the beanbag. The childhood in Kharkiv is being targeted and destroyed day after day. And it only highlighted the fragility of childhood here in Kyiv or anywhere in Ukraine.Lord, come to our help and do not delay!

Can we pray that the Lord would come to Ukraine’s help. 

**The photo above was taken in Kharkiv on the site of an apartment building bombed by Russia.