God’s Kingdom Needs YOU As A Mission Mobilizer!

(From Pray4SouthAsia.com) Do you advocate for an unreached people group in your local church or Bible study?  Sometimes the people who do are called “mission mobilizers”.  Here at The Waiting World, we consider ourselves “mission mobilizers”!  We use newsletters, videos, this blog site, and work with churches.  And besides finding people who will fund missionaries or even go to the frontlines of of missions, mission mobilizers is a critically important job!  Especially here in the West where many regular church-goers are simply NOT aware of the importance of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20).  And, unless global missions is promoted from the pulpit, this situation will continue.

But if you think you might be able to fulfill the role of a people group advocate in your church, here is a good word from Pray4SouthAsia.com  and it applies to more nations that just South Asia:  “People Group Advocates are mission mobilizers who raise awareness about specific people groups, motivate others to get involved in reaching them , and advocate for prioritizing these groups in mission efforts.  They can be formal roles or support the cause informally.  Many such advocates are needed for the thousands of unreached people groups in South Asia.

“Praise God for those who are already fulfilling the role of people group advocates for the unreached in South Asia (and elsewhere).

“Pray for thousands MORE to be raised, those who would champion the needs of the unreached of South Asia.

“Pray for churches and individuals within South Asia and the rest of the world to respond to their advocacy efforts.”

To help you promote global missions in your community, we produced a video about the Great Commission and you can watch it here, and feel free to download it from thewaitingworld.net to show others.


If you are saying, “YES! I want to be a mission mobilizer, but don’t know where to start…” you can email: mike@thewaitingworld.us. We are connected to several groups that can help you in your efforts to mobilize the church.