Something is up! God is most definitely on the move all over the world, and He doesn’t care if the people are predominantly Buddhist, Hindus, Muslims, or Animist. He doesn’t care if the religious majority in a country have declared it “closed” to Christianity. His move is happening among men and women and children, and mostly among the poor.
Here at The Waiting World (thewaitingworld.net), we’ve had the opportunity to provide Bibles to the persecuted both in Africa and South Asia in 3 nations. And, we aren’t even in the “Bible distribution” business! With our connections overseas, “the Word” is getting out, both literally and figuratively to places where there are too few Bibles, and revival has broken out. The people in these nations want hard copy, not audio, Bibles…..something they can hold in their hands. Moreover, the people distributing these Bibles overseas are literally risking their lives to do so. In about a year, generous friends and churches we know have collected over $3,000 for our contacts overseas, and our work is just a drop in the bucket compared to what groups like “Bibles for the World” (BFTW.org) and Voice of the Martyrs (persecution.com) are doing.
Right now, Bibles For the World (BFTW) is trying to collect enough funds to publish and send 50,000 copies of the Bible to Zambia as they partner with the Luis Palau Association for a worship festival there in October. The Palau Association was expecting huge crowds, but have just asked Bibles For the World for an additional 50,000!! BFTW had already placed orders for 150,000 Gospels of John in English and 30K each in the Bemba and Nyanja languages, plus 30 thousand New Testaments for new believers. But now they need more because they are expecting to be overwhelmed with the demand during the festival.
YOU CAN HELP them reach their goal by donating online to BFTW.org/Zambia2. Or, make your check payable to Bibles For the World, and mail it to P.O. Box 49759, Colorado Springs, CO 80949.
Above all, please pray for all of these Bible distribution projects! In many countries, it’s dangerous to purchase and distribute Bibles. One of the nations with which we work sees their shipments of Bibles being attacked while on the road for delivery to churches. And, pray that people’s hearts in the West are open to supporting these most worthwhile projects!