After 4,000 Years, They Still Don’t Believe

According to, the ancient Persian religion of Zoroastrianism may have originated as early as 4,000 years ago.  It is considered to be the world’s first monotheistic faith still in existence.  It was the state religion of three Persian dynasties, until the Muslim conquest of Persia in the 7th century A.D.  Zoroastrian refugees, called Parsis, escaped Muslim persecution in Iran by emigrating to India. Zoroastrianism now has an estimated 100,000 to 200,000 worshipers worldwide, and is practiced today as a minority religion in parts of Iran and India. says that to the believers,  fire is the supreme deity of Zoroastrianism. They believe that fire, not Jesus, is the son of god.  All religious rituals and rites of passage are performed with burning fire present, and it is often lit by sandalwood and oil.  Fires burn continuously in homes, and the temple fire is forbidden to burn out.  Fire worship may include one falling prostrate before the flames.  Zoroastrians are generous to the poor and needy.  They believe they go to heaven by reading or reciting their Zoroastrian scriptures.

-Pray for greater missions outreach among the Zoroastrians.

-Zoroastrians already know about Jesus.  Pray that they may accept Him as the true living God!

-Pray that Zoroastrians will understand that their wealth and good works will not get them to heaven and have their sins forgiven.  Pray they realize that they need to believe in Jesus.