(Pray4SouthAsia.com) The Bhils are the third largest and most widely distributed tribal group in India. They are not a single tribe but a conglomeration of many sub-groups.
They inhabit some of the most remote and inaccessible areas of India. Till today, they remain a disadvantaged community with high levels of poverty, illiteracy, and other social problems. Almost all Bhils practice ethnic religions that have been highly influenced by Hinduism. Out of the 14.3 million Bhils, about 0.77% are Christian.
The Bhil of India need our prayers!
* Pray for new, sincere and effective government efforts to develop the Bhils.
* Pray for many Bhil movements to Christ, bringing salvation and holistic transformation among them.
• Pray for Bhil culture to be renewed and transformed by the gospel and the work of the Holy Spirit.
The Bhil were one of the first unreached people groups that we shot video footage of for The Waiting World prayer video series, thewaitingworld.net. We pray you get a heart for the Bhil people as you watch this brief video: