A King Who Was Humbled…

(From Pray4SouthAsia.com) – A pagan king, Nebuchadnezzar, is humbled by the living God in Daniel 4.  In verses 34-37, he praises and glorifies the living God .The God who drove this mighty king to his knees is able to bring political and religious authorities to their knees in South Asia, Central Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and elsewhere…causing those authorities to acknowledge and worship Him!


King above all kings, Lord of all Creation, move in all the nations!  Reveal Your power, wisdom and goodness to rulers and authorities in power.  We pray for Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and atheists who are in positions of power and authority, that they would encounter the One Who was, Who is and is to come.  We pray for a dismantling of pride and evil.  We pray for a humbling of the mighty, causing them to acknowledge, to repent and to glorify You alone!

Click the link below for an inspiring music video on world missions from thewaitingworld.net

Song, “We Speak To Nations” sung by Judy Jacobs…
