The “Five Pillars of Islam” are fundamental to the followers of Allah, and they are considered essential for all practicing Muslims. The Pillars remind the people of the teachings of Islam and serve to strengthen their faith, as well as promote unity within Muslim peoples worldwide.
The first Pillar is Profession of Faith (Shahada): “There is no god but God (Allah), and Muhammad is His Prophet”. This phrase must be memorized and recited regularly.
The second Pillar is Prayer (Salat): Muslims pray facing Mecca five times a day. They can pray individually at any location or at a mosque. There are physical actions that accompany their prayer ritual, including standing, kneeling, and touching the ground or prayer mat with their forehead. This is to symbolize reverence and submission to Allah. Friday is their holy day, and Muslims attend a mosque near midday to pray and listen to a sermon.
The third Pillar is the Giving of Alms (Zakat): Believing that Zakat purifies, increases and blesses the remainder of their wealth, they give a fixed portion of their income to other members of their community.
The 4th Pillar is Fasting (Sawm): During Ramadan they fast from sunrise to sunset. Everyone past the age of puberty is required to fast. Also, pregnant women do not have to fast unless they wish to do so. The fast includes abstaining from food, drink, sex, and unpleasing behavior. Sawm is to bring them a greater awareness of God’s presence.
The 5th Pillar is a Pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj) in Saudi Arabia: This sacred act is required of each Muslim at least on once in their lifetime. This pillar is only required so long as the people have the physical capacity and finances to make the trip. Making the Hajj brings with it the assured reward of Paradise. NOTE: There are true stories of the people having dreams and visions of Jesus during their Hajj, and thereafter taking steps to follow Him.