( Edited From Church Life & Ministry, Paul L. Davis & Katelyn Hawkins) – Our drive as church leaders must be to instill a passion for proclaiming Christ to the nations into the DNA of our churches. We want every member to find and fulfill their role in the Great Commission. Challenging the myth that missions is only for the elite….
If you want your church to engage in and be excited about missions, be encouraged: you can create a church culture that infuses missions into every facet of your ministry. Consider the 10 guidelines we have learned through our years in ministry:
- CAPITALIZE ON RELATIONSHIPS – Missions at its core is about relationship. As you look for your church’s niche in missions, examine the people or organizations with whom God has already connected you, both inside and outside your church…
- ESTABLISH A CLEARLY ARTICULATED GOAL – Determine a vision based upon Matthew 28:18-20…
- REFLECT EVERY GENERATION IN YOUR CHURCH – Every person, at every age, has a significant role to play in the Great Commission…
- INVOLVE ALL AGE GROUPS IN YOUR MISSIONS TEAM/COMMITTEE – Invite all age groups to participate in your committee…
- PREACH THE GREAT COMMISSION – Strive to integrate mission references into various sermons, not just during Mission Emphasis Sunday…
- INSTRUCT IN PERSONAL EVANGELISM AND DISCIPLESHIP – Church members must be trained to reach people across the parking lot or the world, they must know how to share the gospel and disciple new believers…
- MAKE EVERY MEETING A PRAYER MEETING – Churches should build a biblical culture of missions on a culture of prayer…
- DEVELOP A SHORT-TERM MISSIONS PROGRAM – Provide opportunities for your congregation to engage the nations through short-term trips and cross cultural experiences…
- KEEP MISSIONS VISIBLE TO YOUR CONGREGATION – Do NOT allow missions to become a second-class ministry relegated to the background…
- CELEBRATE WELL – (Too few) churches take time to celebrate what God is doing in missions, but JOY is a vital part of creating culture…
You can read the full article here: https://abwe.org/blog/10-ways-to-develop-a-missions-culture-in-your-church/?fbclid=IwAR2OhTQrqr1v5Pr-2pmcR5l2PqYp6pp31AaXZRqeIP7DtnmFfMXc2f3P0so_aem_AUF3JBSGZQb246RMMGZvhC6e-93d573eUW6DXgJU_8URjGAWGQtM5nRSi9-TTa6P5mI
We want to encourage you to visit thewaitingworld.net and download any of the free 3-4 minute prayer videos about unreached people groups. Here is one on the 10/40 Window where more than 3 billion people have yet to hear the gospel message: