Glory to God! Christianity Is Growing Fast in the Middle East!

(From CBN, Facebook Reels:

There is currently a Bible “revolution” in the Middle East.  New believers in Kurdistan, for example, enthusiastically worship Jesus, and one of their churches in Erbil,  the capital of Iraqi Kurdistan, has been officially  sanctioned as “legal” since 2004!  “The Bible makes us feel like the Book of Acts will be repeated here in Kurdistan.” said one Muslim Background Believer (MBB).  The Kurdish church in Erbil is the first Christian church there in 1400 years!

When non-believers visit the church, they are surprised to see Kurdish people enthusiastically worshipping and singing and and shouting in their own language.  The church in Erbil and elsewhere in Kurdistan is comprised primarily of  MBBs.  One MBB pastor said that before he knew Christ he was a Muslim cleric.  He would get so mad at his wife, he wanted to kill her sometimes.   But all of that changed when Jesus came into his life.

Another MBB said she was so grateful that Jesus came and “knocked on the door” of her heart.  “Now,” she said, “I  know the real God!”  Another man said, “All of my life, I felt that I was searching for something and that something was missing in my life.  But now that I know Jesus, that feeling is gone!”

CBN says this movement is also rapidly growing in Iran, Afghanistan, Jordan, Syria,  Egypt and other nations.  Just in Jordan, Syria, Iraq, and Egypt, they are expecting 500 new churches.  In Iran, one worker says they are expecting 1,000 new churches next year!

In Turkey, one believer says that many, many people are coming to Christ after they see Him in their dreams and visions.  He adds, “Even if they don’t read the Bible or a New Testament, they see Jesus in a dream and want to know Him!”

Below is the Turk video from the