(From Pray4Southasia.com). With the exception of the Maldives, constitutions of other S-Asian countries uphold some form of religious freedom. In recent years, many Indian states have passed anti-conversion laws. Following India, Nepal ,too, is beginning to limit religious freedom. In Pakistan, the infamous anti-blasphemy laws have been used to harass religious minorities. In Bangladesh, opposition to people choosing to profess and propagate the religion of their choice usually comes from family and religious extremist groups in the community.
Please pray for:
-Protection of religious minorities in the countries of South Asia: Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.
-Governments to uphold religious freedom in word and deed.
-Regressive laws against religious freedoms to be repealed.
-Christian minorities in S-Asia to remain faithful to Christ in the midst of government and community pressure.
For a closer look at life in Bangladesh, we’ve included a video from thewaitingworld.net. about one of the unreached people groups: