(From Pray4SouthAsia). The Valmiki of India are a community that claims descent from Valmiki, author of the Ramayana, an ancient Hiindu epic. They are at the lowest rung of the caste system, and mainly work as sewage cleaners and street sweepers. Facing terrible discrimination, they endure near complete social ostracism. Some have become educated and are in politics, teaching and government service. Most live in north India. A few are in Pakistan. Of about 6 million Valmiki, none follow Jesus.
-Pray for the Valmiki to have access to the gospel.
-Pray they come to understand that they are created in God’s image.
-Pray they come to comprehend they are valuable to God.
-Pray for Christians to love and value the Valmiki.
-Pray for countless Valmiki disciples and fellowships to multiply.