Here in America, we celebrate this holiday, because it commemorates the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. This is the date that the Second Continental Congress unanimously adopted the Declaration of Independence. After this the US colonies were officially separated from Great Britain. And, while the actual vote for independence had happened two days earlier, July 4th is seen as the ‘birthday’ of American independence.
Today, we here in America are free to speak and worship as we please, but, as Christians it’s important for us to think about and pray for those souls living in nations such as China, North Korea, Iran and elsewhere who do NOT have the same liberties that we do. So as you set off the fireworks and gather for family picnics, please make sure you remember :
- Those who “risked their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor” during the American revolution.
- Those who have fought in numerous wars to keep this nation free.
- And, the persecuted church worldwide who are not enjoying the religious liberties that we here in the USA enjoy.