This week, we here at The Waiting World, had an interesting conversation with a Pakistani Christian. He asked that we pray for his country, officially called the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in South Asia. Pakistan is the world’s fifth most populous country with almost 243 million people, and it has the world’s second-largest Muslim population, just behind Indonesia. Needless to say, it is very dangerous for Christians there, and they have every reason to live in fear. Yet Christians continue to live out their faith boldly in spite of being ostracized by family and friends, losing their jobs, and sometimes physical violence. To make matters worse, Pakistan’s economy is terrible right now. If an employer must lay people off from their jobs, the Christians are always the first to be told to leave. Therefore, it is extra hard for people in the Christian community economically, but in spite of this, they meet regularly for prayer and strive to help each other materially whenever able.
Please! Pray for Pakistan! Pray their government leaders have wisdom to help improve their economy, pray for those government leader’s hearts to soften towards Christians, and pray for the persecuted church in Pakistan. After all, they are part of God’s “waiting world”!