A Village in Nepal Needs Your Help!

(We get newsletters from our missionaries all over the world, and on a few occasions, they give us a special financial request. The following comes from one man who makes regular trips into Nepal from his home in Malaysia to teach people how to get fresh, clean water for their communities. In doing so, they are ministering the Gospel to this nation that is a mixture of Hinduism and Tibetan Buddhism. There is a village there open to the message of Jesus, but they need something more: dependable flush toilets! This is something we take for granted here, but our friend just wrote us and sent this photo telling of us the critical need. What a GREAT opportunity this is to put your faith and finances into action! And why not invite your church to participate? Here is what our friend just sent us over the Christmas break….)

“My mission partner, Mr. C, will be visiting one of our rural churches out West after Christmas and reported a need I want to share with you. A community, Sisnery Village, about two hours away from Ranighat church (our partner church in Western Nepal) has a community of eighteen households that are in need of toilets. The Ranighat pastor, Bal, whom I am well acquainted with, recently brought a man to Christ and shared the Gospel with a family in this community that they hope will receive Christ soon.  A flush pit latrine-type toilet may typically cost anywhere from $300-$450 to construct. This will be a great opportunity for us to assist this community, and if you want to participate in this project you can give specifically to this need following the instructions below. Thank you in advance!”

To make a donation to this project, please make a check payable to YWAM Colorado Springs, Attention: Donor Services, P.O. Box 50857, Colorado Springs, CO 80949 . On a separate piece of paper, please write: Malaysia 2 Nepal. OR, online, you may go to: https://donate.ywamcos.org/partners