(From Disciple Makers Increase) God is using ordinary people to multiply disciples of Jesus. This story took place in a small city in South India. It’s about a young man whose name is Vijay. He earns his living as a photographer.
One day, Vijay was hired to take photographs of a family wedding celebration. During the wedding, as he was taking pictures, he got to know Era, a follower of Jesus. After a short conversation, Era shared the Good News with him.
A few days later, Vijay called his new friend. He shared about his problems and financial difficulties. He was also in a legal conflict with some customers. They had filed a case against him in court, accusing him of foul play. He requested Era to pray for him.
Era started to pray for him. He also organized a special time of prayer and fasting with his team to lift Vijay before the Father.
Two days later, Vijay called Sam to say that the judge had cancelled the case against him! God had answered prayers and he recognized it as a miracle. Era saw the open door of opportunity and right away invited him to receive Jesus and follow Him. Within a few days, Vijay did. He opened his heart and prayed to receive Christ!
Era immediately began to disciple and train him how to share his testimony with others. Within no time, Vijay was actively sharing the gospel with those that worked with him in his photo studio. He began to pray for lost family members and friends. Next, Era trained him in how to do prayer walks. Vijay started to walk around his community, praying for God to move.
Soon, a few people there believed in Jesus. Some wanted to know more. Before the year ended, he had started a simple church with thirteen people. Some had become followers of Jesus. Some were seekers.
Following Era’s example, Vijay started to disciple the group and train them in simple disciple-making skills. As he did that, some of the members of the simple church started to become active disciples. They started reaching out to others in the community.
God blessed their efforts. Within one year, five new simple churches began. Different people Vijay had trained now started their own disciple-making groups. Each group had about seven or eight new believers and seekers. Everyone in these groups is from Hindu background.
Era is thrilled with the way Vijay has grown in his relationship with God. Vijay’s photography business has grown too. He’s also now married to a lovely young woman.
Vijay put into practice what he learned from him about disciple-making. This brings great joy to Era. At the same time, Era wants to help him make further progress in multiplying more disciples and groups. The question Era plans to ask Vijay is this: How will the five second-generation groups also reproduce new groups of disciples who will make other disciples? That’s a great question. Pray with us as Era coaches and mentors Vijay forward.
Disciple Makers Increase is a ministry of YWAM Frontier Missions and the Disciple Making Movement.