What ARE “Least-Reached Peoples”?

(From Joshua Project, Global Frontier Mission, and YWAM Frontier Missions)- You may have heard the term “unreached people groups” and “least reached people groups”, and you (like us) wondered, “What’s the difference?” Especially when missiologists then use words like “the unengaged”! Say WHAT?? Essentially, unreached people groups (UPGs) are the same as least reached people groups (LRPGs). The Joshua Project defines them as “a people group among which there is no indigenous community of believing Christians with adequate numbers and resources to evangelize this people group without outside assistance.” In other words, they need outside people and resources to help them reach more people with the Gospel of Christ. YWAM Frontier Missions says that “an unengaged unreached people group (UUPGs) is a people group that has no known church planting happening among them yet.” Note that some church somewhere may be praying for these unreached people, but no one in missions has yet discovered that, and there are no known missionaries working among the people group (hence the term “unengaged”).