(Courtesy of YWAM Slavic Ministries) – You may have seen a couple of relief workers, Japhin and Marie, working in the Ukraine on CBN special. Recently they shared this story about Masha, who told them, ” A few days back, I went to my son’s tomb. I told God, ‘If my son were alive, he would have fixed all the broken windows. Now, there is no one to help me.’ Two days later, here you are, fixing all the broken windows. God heard my prayers. I am grateful to God.”
We went back to replace a few broken windows in that village. We keep all our tools and other raw materials in Masha’s house. When we went to pick those up this morning, she was ready and waiting for us with many gifts. She spent hours embroidering this and gave it as a token of her love. We said, “This is all too much to accept.” Masha says, “Nobody ever comes to my home. Now that God sent me a son and a daughter to fix my windows, I need to bless them. We had a day filled with so much joy. It’s an honor that Marie and I get to serve together in all this.”
YWAM Slavic Ministries is launching a program to help repair 100 homes in 3 villages, and to help build another 100 temporary dwellings. These are simple, insulated shelters that are cut and packaged and then sent to the site where they can be put up by a team in a day. Many elderly have refused to leave their homes, which mostly are now destroyed or damaged. Many others are now returning to their villages desperately wanting to be home. These will not be their permanent houses but will provide shelter for the coming winter and possibly longer. For more information on this project, email: team@ywamkyiv.org